Word Pattern

The solution to this problem is very easy but I struggled a little bit because I was focusing more on finding a regex to represent the pattern.

class Solution {
    fun wordPattern(pattern: String, str: String): Boolean {
        val map = HashMap<Char, String>()
        val words = str.split(" ")
        val unique = words.distinct()
        if(pattern.length != words.size) return false
        pattern.forEachIndexed { index, c ->
                if((map[c]!!) != words[index]) return false
            }else map[c] = words[index]
        return unique.size == map.size
Runtime: 172 ms, faster than 22.50% of Kotlin online submissions for Word Pattern.
Memory Usage: 33.5 MB, less than 100.00% of Kotlin online submissions for Word Pattern.