I solved this problem initially using Java but here’s a similar implementation using Kotlin.
* Example:
* var ti = TreeNode(5)
* var v = ti.`val`
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* class TreeNode(var `val`: Int) {
* var left: TreeNode? = null
* var right: TreeNode? = null
* }
import java.util.*
class Solution {
fun sumRootToLeaf(root: TreeNode?): Int {
var sum = 0
val stack = Stack<TreeNode>()
fun sumRootToLeaf_(node: TreeNode?, stack: Stack<TreeNode>){
if(node == null) return
sumRootToLeaf_(node.left, stack)
sumRootToLeaf_(node.right, stack)
if(node.left == null && node.right == null){
sum += Integer.parseInt(stack.map {it.`val`}.joinToString(""),2)
sumRootToLeaf_(root, stack)
return sum
Runtime: 192 ms, faster than 20.83% of Kotlin online submissions for Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers.
Memory Usage: 35.9 MB, less than 100.00% of Kotlin online submissions for Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers.