Sum of Even Numbers After Queries

My first solution to this easy problem passed but only faster than 6% of submissions which means we still have some room for improvements.

class Solution {
    fun sumEvenAfterQueries(A: IntArray, queries: Array<IntArray>): IntArray {
        var answer = IntArray(queries.size)
        var currentSum = { if(it % 2 == 0) it else 0 }.sum()
        for(x in 0 until queries.size){
            val query = queries[x]
            val oldValue = A[query[1]]
            A[query[1]] += query[0]
            when {
               A[query[1]] % 2 == 0 -> {
                   when {
                      oldValue % 2 == 0 -> currentSum += query[0]
                      else -> currentSum += A[query[1]]                
               oldValue % 2 == 0 -> currentSum -= oldValue
            answer[x] = currentSum            
        return answer
Runtime: 404 ms, faster than 43.75% of Kotlin online submissions for Sum of Even Numbers After Queries.
Memory Usage: 56.9 MB, less than 100.00% of Kotlin online submissions for Sum of Even Numbers After Queries.

The first version looks similar except that for every loop in for-loop, we also loop through the array A to get the sum of the even values. I realized that we can just precompute the sum of even values of A and then maintain a running variable which holds the current sum of even values. Based on the previous and currently modified value of A[index], we can decide whether we need to increment the current sum or decrement it.

In this way, we don’t have to perform two loops thereby improving the performance.