We can solve this medium LC problem by recursively finding the index of the highest value (let’s call it as maxIndex) then splitting the array into two subarrays starting from 0 to maxIndex - 1 and maxIndex + 1 to array’s size - 1.
We construct the tree everytime we encounter the max value.
* Example:
* var ti = TreeNode(5)
* var v = ti.`val`
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* class TreeNode(var `val`: Int) {
* var left: TreeNode? = null
* var right: TreeNode? = null
* }
class Solution {
val indexOfMax: (IntArray) -> Int = { array ->
var indexOfMax = -1
var max = Integer.MIN_VALUE
array.forEachIndexed { index, i ->
if(i > max) {
indexOfMax = index
max = i
fun constructMaximumBinaryTree(nums: IntArray): TreeNode? {
fun constructMaximumBinaryTree_(nums: IntArray, start: Int, end: Int): TreeNode? {
if(start > end) return null
val newArray = nums.sliceArray(start..end)
val max = indexOfMax(newArray)
var node = TreeNode(newArray[max])
node.left = constructMaximumBinaryTree_(newArray, 0, max-1)
node.right = constructMaximumBinaryTree_(newArray, max + 1, newArray.size-1)
return node
return constructMaximumBinaryTree_(nums, 0, nums.size-1)
Runtime: 248 ms, faster than 57.14% of Kotlin online submissions for Maximum Binary Tree.
Memory Usage: 38.7 MB, less than 100.00% of Kotlin online submissions for Maximum Binary Tree.