Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String

Not the fastest solution for this easy LC problem but it’s readable and easy to understand so I’m fine with this.

class Solution {
    fun removeDuplicates(S: String): String {
        tailrec fun removeDuplicates_(word: String): String{
            var found = false
            lateinit var newWord: String
            for(index in 1 until word.length) {
                if(word[index] == word[index - 1]){
                    found = true
                    newWord = word.substring(0, index - 1).plus(word.substring(index + 1, word.length))
            return if(found) removeDuplicates_(newWord) else word
        return removeDuplicates_(S)
Runtime: 424 ms, faster than 22.22% of Kotlin online submissions for Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String.
Memory Usage: 36.8 MB, less than 100.00% of Kotlin online submissions for Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String.